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Diabetes Information

The Profect Solution for Diabetics

Diabetes, which affects more than 6% of the US population or over 18,000,000 people [i], is diagnosed when the body is not creating or effectively utilizing the hormone called insulin. As a result, much-needed energy from sugar, starch, and other sources are not being exploited as effectively as they should.

Diabetes Awareness: Will They Recognize You?

Imagine how it feels to look younger, feel younger, and act younger! Now, think about how others see you. Are you ready to make a lasting impression on your friends and family? Great!Taking charge of your diabetes through exercise can give you a younger look and feel not to mention ?? a younger attitude!As you read this message, remember this: You don't pay the price to improve your health, you reap the benefits of being healthy!Treatment of diabetes has gone through dramatic changes in the past two decades.

Diabetes Awreness: There's No Substitute for Good Friends

Was there a time when you relished the idea of giving dinner parties?What a great opportunity to bond with old friends, try out a few new recipes, and find a reason to clean up the house!Has diabetes robbed you of the enjoyable events involving your friends and family?Diabetes has an ugly characteristic of wrecking the lives of it's victims by forcing them into seclusion.If you have been neglecting the enjoyable events of your life, please take action to control your diabetes.

Diabetes Awareness: Diabetes on the Job

When you go to work, your diabetes goes with you.You get up, get showered, get breakfast, get to work.

Diabetes Awareness: Family of Diabetics

Thousands, if not millions of people have diabetes in their family. It's almost tragic the way things happen because it's not always a "common knowledge" among families.

Diabetes Awareness: Wake Up Call

When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments.

How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by the inability of the body to either produce or respond to insulin making it impossible to maintain proper levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The extra glucose is excreted in the urine and because of the high level of glucose more water is flushed through.

The Importance Of Following And Maintaining A Diabetic Diet

A diabetic diet is a specially designed eating plan that is high in carbohydrates and low in fat. People with diabetes don't need to go out and purchase special foods to maintain a diabetic diet, they can eat the same foods as the whole family.

Diabetes and Glyconutrients

Today, most people with diabetes are only treating the symptoms. And many medications given to people with diabetes are actually compounding the underlying cause of the disease.

Benfotiamine - A New Tool In Preventing Diabetic Complications?

Benfotiamine made headlines globally in 2003 when researchers released information about a study that was conducted at The Einstein College of Medicine in New York. The bottom line of this study was that a substance of the allithiamine group of the naturally occurring thiamine-derived compounds had positive effects on neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy and heart/circulatory problems in diabetics.

Diabetes Symptoms, Causes & Types

Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications.

Diabetes and its Management

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most costly burdensome chronic diseases of our time and is condition that is increasing in epidemic population in the whole world. The complications resulting from the diseases are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and are associated with failure of various organs such as the eyes, kidneys and nerves.

Just Say NO to an 1800 Diabetic Diet

It's been a year, and 85 blubbery pounds less, since I was diagnosed with diabetes Type2. The news was especially scary because my mother died of diabetic complications 3 years after diagnosis- the SAME AGE AS ME! EEEK!The day I was diagnosed, my doctor handed me a glucometer, an 1800-calorie diabetic diet and a handful of prescriptions, mumbling something about being sorry and I should watch after my health better.

Diabetes: Calling For Double Trouble!

Diabetes!!!Open your eyes to the catastrophic effects of Diabetes. The mere thought of Diabetes brings so many questions and fears into our mind .

Have Diabetes, But Enjoy Quality Food? Try Diabetic Recipes!

Having diabetes certainly limits some of the food you can eat, but with the right diabetic recipes you can still enjoy fine food. Sometimes, it is hard to know what foods are safe for you to eat.

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Diabetes Break-Thru Helps Battle Blood Sugar Woes
Are you a diabetic? If so, you are definitely not alone. Recent numbers report that there are some 18 million Type 2 diabetics.
Diabetes Awreness: There's No Substitute for Good Friends
Was there a time when you relished the idea of giving dinner parties?What a great opportunity to bond with old friends, try out a few new recipes, and find a reason to clean up the house!Has diabetes robbed you of the enjoyable events involving your friends and family?Diabetes has an ugly characteristic of wrecking the lives of it's victims by forcing them into seclusion.If you have been neglecting the enjoyable events of your life, please take action to control your diabetes.
Some Changes Make A Big Difference!
When it comes to diabetes, small changes can make a big difference -- even in the middle of an epidemic that currently affects more than 2 million Americans and Canadians, and costs us an estimated $13.2 billion per year.
Fibromyalgia and Insulin Resistance
Do you have symptoms that relate to an insulin imbalance? If you have fibromyalgia, look and see if you also have hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, or diabetes symptoms. These types of blood sugar imbalances can cause fibromyalgia pain to get worse.
Double Diabetes -- Placing Your Kids at Even More Risk
In some medical circles it's called Type 3 Diabetes. Teenagers and young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, if overweight or obese, can develop type 2 diabetes later in life.
Just Say NO to an 1800 Diabetic Diet
It's been a year, and 85 blubbery pounds less, since I was diagnosed with diabetes Type2. The news was especially scary because my mother died of diabetic complications 3 years after diagnosis- the SAME AGE AS ME! EEEK!The day I was diagnosed, my doctor handed me a glucometer, an 1800-calorie diabetic diet and a handful of prescriptions, mumbling something about being sorry and I should watch after my health better.
Medicinal Properties of Bitter Melon - Good for Diabetics
Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia, a climbing vine whose leaves and green fruits, although bitter, has been used to fight cancer, diabetes and many infectious diseases. It is also a powerful weapon against HIV/AIDS since some reports claim that bitter melon has substance Q.
Type I Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Type I diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. This form of diabetes is mainly found in children.
Type II Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
The term diabetes refers to higher than normal levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. Type II diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, was commonly referred to as adult onset diabetes until recently when the name no longer accurately describes the population with this disease.
Meal planning includes choosing healthy foods, eating the right amount of food, and eating meals at the right time. The American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association developed 6 food exchange lists for the purpose of meal planning for people with diabetes as part of a diabetes diet.
Benfotiamine And Diabetic Retinopathy
Damage from diabetes can occur in different areas of the eye. It can occur to the cornea, nerves controlling the muscles of the eye, the lens, optic nerve and retina.
Diabetes Awareness: Diabetes on the Job
When you go to work, your diabetes goes with you.You get up, get showered, get breakfast, get to work.
Diabetes Has Become A Risk in Mens Life
This is true that men with diabetes have an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction compared with men without diabetes. Erectile dysfunction in diabetes has many potential causes, including the specific diabetes complications of neuropathy and vascular disease, as well as conditions commonly associated with diabetes, such as hypertension, use of various medications or psychogenic factors.
Tools to Manage Your Diabetes
It's estimated that in the US, over 18 million people over the age of 20 have diabetes. If you happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you're getting all the right diabetes treatment supplies.
Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes
THE RISKBlood sugar balance is critical to your body's proper functioning. Blood sugar (glucose) is the primary source of fuel for the body's cells and is particularly critical to the brain and the eyes.
What Is Diabetes?
Your doctor may have recently advised you have diabetes. Or you are overweight and you have discovered you may be at risk of diabetes.
Diabetes And The Long Term Dangers
Diabetes has hidden dangers that begin before diagnosis and continue to worsen if certain steps are not taken to prevent the complications that are the true, "killers" in terms of diabetes.Statistics show that there are around 18 million diabetics in America, both Type 1 and Type 2.
Diabetes and Glyconutrients
Today, most people with diabetes are only treating the symptoms. And many medications given to people with diabetes are actually compounding the underlying cause of the disease.
Diabetes Symptoms, Causes & Types
Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications.
Revolutionary Lancet Device for Diabetic Glucose Testing
Now you can reduce the pain and inconvenience of testing. Unlike conventional lancing systems, the ACCU-CHEK Multiclix lancet device is the only 1 with a six-lancet drum.


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