Diabetes Information
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MORE RESOURCES: ![]() ![]() ![]() Adult Onset Diabetes and Quacks Adult onset diabetes, like the common ulcer of a few years ago, makes a lot of work and provides a lot of money for the medical system. There was a cure for the biological disease of stomach ulcers but the doctors were telling us it was stress-related (Everything is stress-related to some extent, as the Pauling research that won a Nobel Prize for Vitamin therapy [especially 'C'] has proven. Low-Carb: The Role of Insulin There are three basic units the body uses for energy:1. Fats2. Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy. Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before, but who have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy, are said to have gestational diabetes. Can We Do More for Diabetics? New Research Suggests that We Can Diabetes can briefly be defined as a state when the body's blood glucose is too high. The body does require a certain amount of sugar in the blood; however, those suffering from diabetes have levels much higher than what is needed. Medicinal Properties of Bitter Melon - Good for Diabetics Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia, a climbing vine whose leaves and green fruits, although bitter, has been used to fight cancer, diabetes and many infectious diseases. It is also a powerful weapon against HIV/AIDS since some reports claim that bitter melon has substance Q. Tools to Manage Your Diabetes It's estimated that in the US, over 18 million people over the age of 20 have diabetes. If you happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you're getting all the right diabetes treatment supplies. Diabetes: African Americans Deadly Foe Diabetes is having a devastating effect on the African American community. Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death in African Americans and their death rates are twenty seven percent higher than whites. Accu-Check Aviva Glucometer - New for Diabetes Testing Now you can help make every test strip count as you can test right the very first time.The wide-mouth strip quickly sucks on the tiny blood drop, helping 97% of diabetes fill the strip on the very first try. Double Diabetes -- Placing Your Kids at Even More Risk In some medical circles it's called Type 3 Diabetes. Teenagers and young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, if overweight or obese, can develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Preparing Your Child and Family for Life With Diabetes After the initial shock of diagnosis wears off and we become more comfortable with administering insulin shots, scheduling blood tests and mealtimes, and carbohydrate counting we have a chance to look to the future. At that point it really begins to sink in what a long-term commitment parenting a diabetic child really is. Diabetes, A Bad Omen Or A Fresh Start? So you've learned that you've got diabetes. Well after the initial shock, you're stuck with dealing with the lifestyle changes that come with your diagnosis. Medical Supply Cases for Insulin and Diabetics Medical supply manufacturers are continuously conceptualizing medical supplies needed by people who are in delicate health condition - medical supplies that may enable the patient to lead a life with at least a semblance of normalcy.Diabetic patients are one of these people who are in delicate health condition. Diabetes Awareness: Ill Wait til it Hurts By the time many type 2 diabetics (and often their doctors) realize action is necessary, the disease, with its destructive high blood sugars, has been silently damaging their body for years.Complications to the blood vessels and tissues of your eyes, feet, heart, kidneys, and other organs, are likely well underway. Get More Out Of Life While Managing Your Diabetes When I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 21, I had not given the first thought to living a healthy diabetic lifestyle. As far as I was concerned, a healthy lifestyle was reserved only for fitness junkies and overweight moms. Benfotiamine - A New Tool In Preventing Diabetic Complications? Benfotiamine made headlines globally in 2003 when researchers released information about a study that was conducted at The Einstein College of Medicine in New York. The bottom line of this study was that a substance of the allithiamine group of the naturally occurring thiamine-derived compounds had positive effects on neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy and heart/circulatory problems in diabetics. Get Rid of Your Diabetes People at risk of getting the disease drop by a staggering 60 percent if they manage to lose just 10 pounds by following a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise such as walking, according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine. (May 3, 2001). Revolutionary Lancet Device for Diabetic Glucose Testing Now you can reduce the pain and inconvenience of testing. Unlike conventional lancing systems, the ACCU-CHEK Multiclix lancet device is the only 1 with a six-lancet drum. Diabetes Symptoms, Causes & Types Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. Diabetes and Fitness There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type I diabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or no insulin. Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes THE RISKBlood sugar balance is critical to your body's proper functioning. Blood sugar (glucose) is the primary source of fuel for the body's cells and is particularly critical to the brain and the eyes. ![]() |