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Diabetes Information

Exercise - The Only Hope for Diabetes!

Why is it that the smallest paragraph in diabetes prevention magazines is about exercise? Exercise is probably the only hope for the diabetes crisis. If you have diabetes or some one in your family tree does, beware! You really have one choice, keep moving.

What Is Diabetes?

Your doctor may have recently advised you have diabetes. Or you are overweight and you have discovered you may be at risk of diabetes.

Get More Out Of Life While Managing Your Diabetes

When I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 21, I had not given the first thought to living a healthy diabetic lifestyle. As far as I was concerned, a healthy lifestyle was reserved only for fitness junkies and overweight moms.


The following information is for educational purposes only and is meant to complement any medical treatment, not to prescribe or diagnose any condition. Please consult with your doctor before starting any medical or nutritional program.

Type II Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

The term diabetes refers to higher than normal levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. Type II diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, was commonly referred to as adult onset diabetes until recently when the name no longer accurately describes the population with this disease.

Type I Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

Type I diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. This form of diabetes is mainly found in children.

Double Diabetes -- Placing Your Kids at Even More Risk

In some medical circles it's called Type 3 Diabetes. Teenagers and young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, if overweight or obese, can develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

Pancreas Transplants - A Solution For Type 1 Diabetes Sufferers?

Type 1 diabetes was formerly known as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes matures quickly and symptoms are very visible.

Ascensia Breeze Glucometer Rated

Simple Testing Over and Over* simple and easy testing. Simple single-function buttons are easy-to-use and easy to understand* No more having to use individual test strips.

Diabetes, A Bad Omen Or A Fresh Start?

So you've learned that you've got diabetes. Well after the initial shock, you're stuck with dealing with the lifestyle changes that come with your diagnosis.

Diabetes the Silent Killer - The Iceberg Effect!

What sank the "Unsinkable Ship" the Titanic was not the tip of the iceberg, but the lurking 90% percent of the iceberg hidden under the surface. In the movie you see the captain steer the ship clear of the block of ice on top of the water, but underneath not known to the captain, crew or passengers, the razor sharp ice was splitting the steel bottom of the vessel like a stick of melted butter.

Tools to Manage Your Diabetes

It's estimated that in the US, over 18 million people over the age of 20 have diabetes. If you happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you're getting all the right diabetes treatment supplies.

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles digested carbohydrates. If neglected, diabetes can cause serious health complications, ranging from blindness to kidney failure.

Revolutionary Lancet Device for Diabetic Glucose Testing

Now you can reduce the pain and inconvenience of testing. Unlike conventional lancing systems, the ACCU-CHEK Multiclix lancet device is the only 1 with a six-lancet drum.

Hyperglycemia, Diabetes, and Managing Blood Sugar

So, after a miserable 10 hours of blood tests it's confirmed you have hyperglycemia. Well now isn't the time to sit back and get depressed.

More Articles from Diabetes Information:
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Have Diabetes, But Enjoy Quality Food? Try Diabetic Recipes!
Having diabetes certainly limits some of the food you can eat, but with the right diabetic recipes you can still enjoy fine food. Sometimes, it is hard to know what foods are safe for you to eat.
How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by the inability of the body to either produce or respond to insulin making it impossible to maintain proper levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The extra glucose is excreted in the urine and because of the high level of glucose more water is flushed through.
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles digested carbohydrates. If neglected, diabetes can cause serious health complications, ranging from blindness to kidney failure.
Diabetes Breakthrough Helps Diabetics Fight Back!
Have you heard about the diabetes breakthrough that lowers blood sugar levels by 30% in 30 days? The all natural Diabetic Pack was developed with Nobel Prize Winning Science. This FoodMatrix biotechnology has a 4 year proven track record of helping take diabetics off insulin and oral medications.
Some Changes Make A Big Difference!
When it comes to diabetes, small changes can make a big difference -- even in the middle of an epidemic that currently affects more than 2 million Americans and Canadians, and costs us an estimated $13.2 billion per year.
Fanning the Flames of the Diabetes Epidemic
INTRODUCTIONIt is my pleasure to introduce to you, a new Diabetes Prevention Education, Public Relations Campaign established under the name Fannie Estelle Hill Grant, started by me, Lyndia Grant-Briggs, after the loss of my mother who succumbed to Type 2 Diabetes on Christmas Day, December 25, 2000. I noticed a fire burning in the Diabetes health arena, and it is still burning out of control.
Pre-Diabetes - The Calm Before the Storm
Remember when the medical world identified pre-hypertension to better monitor your blood pressure? The new buzz: Pre-Diabetes concerns a similar condition pinpointing people who are at severe risk for getting diabetes. Because diabetes silently invades your body, early detection and corrective action are critically important.
STAT-LET? Auto Safety Lancets - Makes Diabetes Testing Easy!
Stat Medical Hardware, Inc (SMD) was founded in 1988 and is a leader in developing and distributing innovative medical devices. Their emphasis is on lancets, lancing devices and clinical, capillary blood sampling devices.
Locating Diabetic Supplies to Manage Diabetes
In the United States there are around 17 million people with diabetes. Each of these people need certain Diabetic Supplies.
Diabetes is Manageable
It is estimated that over 18 million people over the age of 20 in this country have diabetes. Persons over the age of 45 and those considered obese according to the Bio Mass Index are in elevated risk categories for this potentially fatal disease.
Diabetes and Glyconutrients
Today, most people with diabetes are only treating the symptoms. And many medications given to people with diabetes are actually compounding the underlying cause of the disease.
Medical Supply Cases for Insulin and Diabetics
Medical supply manufacturers are continuously conceptualizing medical supplies needed by people who are in delicate health condition - medical supplies that may enable the patient to lead a life with at least a semblance of normalcy.Diabetic patients are one of these people who are in delicate health condition.
Exercise & Diabetes
You are no doubt aware that exercise can help prevent the serious complications that often come with diabetes and heart disease. Research has repeatedly shown that regular physical activity helps reduce the likelihood of having a heart attack or a stroke, aids in weight loss, and improves mood.
Treating Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
The toes burn and tingle and sharp pains shoot into your legs. The bed sheets feel uncomfortable on the feet as you toss and turn, trying to get some rest.
Diabetic Complications - Can Benfotiamine Help Prevent Them?
Diabetic complications contribute too many life threatening diseases globally. The root cause of diabetic complications is elevated glucose levels which contribute to blood vessel damage.
Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic Neuropathy, a nerve disorder caused by diabetes, is characterized by a loss or reduction of sensation in the feet, and in some cases the hands, and pain and weakness in the feet. The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy vary.
If You Have Diabetes, You May Be Entitled To No Cost Diabetic Supplies
This article is intended to inform people with diabetes in regards to their diabetic supplies. When I found out that my sister was diagnosed with the disease I started to research more and came across some useful information that might be helpful to others.
Living Healthy with Diabetes
Diabetes affects around 16 million Americans and about 800,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Diabetes attacks men, women, children and the elderly.
Diabetes Awareness: Wake Up Call
When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments.
Benfotiamine - A New Tool In Preventing Diabetic Complications?
Benfotiamine made headlines globally in 2003 when researchers released information about a study that was conducted at The Einstein College of Medicine in New York. The bottom line of this study was that a substance of the allithiamine group of the naturally occurring thiamine-derived compounds had positive effects on neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy and heart/circulatory problems in diabetics.


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